The ESP Spectrum: from Campus to Career
Kata Kunci:
The ESP Spectrum, English for Spesific Purposes, Campus to CareerAbstrak
The Spectrum of ESP: From Campus to Career delves into the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), highlighting its significance in preparing students for the transition from academic settings to professional careers. The book provides a comprehensive overview of how ESP equips learners with tailored language skills and industry-specific knowledge, enabling them to navigate the challenges of specialized fields effectively. The book explores the development of ESP curricula designed to bridge the gap between theoretical education and practical application in the workplace. It focuses on how ESP addresses the unique linguistic and cultural demands of various professions, offering a blend of academic rigor and real-world relevance. The Spectrum of ESP: From Campus to Career positions ESP as an essential tool for preparing students for professional success. By integrating academic learning with workplace demands, the book demonstrates how ESP empowers learners and educators to thrive in specialized roles while contributing to their personal and professional growth.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2025 Novi Indriyani, Rahma Pitria Ningsih, Dimas Adika, Arini Hidayah, Angga Warda Prasakti, Najdah Thalib, Ika Oktaria Cahyaningrum, Suhria Suhria, Widyashanti Kunthara Anindita

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